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Sedation Information

Information Prior to I.V. Conscious Sedation

In IV conscious sedation, small doses of various medications will be administered to produce a state of relaxation, reduced perception of pain, and drowsiness.  Many patients become so relaxed that they fall asleep and the vast majority have little or no recollection of the procedure.  In addition, local anesthetics will be administered to numb the areas of your mouth to be treated and thus further control discomfort.  You will not be put to sleep (unconsciousness) as with a general anesthetic.

  • YOU MUST refrain from eating or drinking for six (6) hours before your dental appointment. The only exception is a mouthful of water to swallow medications that you normally take. If you are a diabetic, DO NOT take your normal diabetic medication on the day of the surgery.
  • Serious complications may occur if there is food or liquid (including water) in your stomach.
  • Please refrain from smoking for at least 6 hours prior to the sedation.
  • You must not drink any alcoholic beverage for twelve (12) hours before and twenty-four (24) hours after the procedure.
  • YOU MUST arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home and stay with you until the effects of the sedation have worn off.
  • You must not drive a motor vehicle or operate dangerous machinery on the day that you receive the sedation.
  • For your safety, your surgery WILL BE RESCHEDULED if you have not followed the above instructions.

Rarely, complications may be associated with IV conscious sedation.  These include pain, bruising or discolouration at the site of I.V. placement, inflammation of a vein (phlebitis), nausea and vomiting or allergic reaction.

To help minimise risks and complications, you must disclose to Dr. Parker any and all drugs and medications that you are taking.  You must also disclose any abnormalities in your current physical status or past medical history.  This includes any history of drug or alcohol abuse and any reactions to medications or anesthetics.

For females – you must inform us if you are pregnant, or might be pregnant.

Wear loose clothing that allows easy access to your arms on the day of your procedure.

Information for Carers

Following sedation, someone will be:

  • less aware
  • less alert
  • less co-ordinated
  • slower in the reflex actions

The sleepy state following sedation will remain for the next 24 hours. Therefore it is important that the following instructions are adhered to over the next 24 hours.

  • Ensure the patient is not left alone and is always under the supervision of a capable adult
  • The patient must not drive a motor vehicle or ride a bicycle
  • The patient should not make any important decisions ie. changing their will, selling property etc.
  • The patient should not operate machinery and cooking appliances or climb ladders
  • The patient should not be the carer of children
  • The patient must not cross any roads without the aid of a carer
  • When travelling, angle the car seat back slightly to prevent the patient’s head from slumping forward and obstructing their airway
  • Assist the patient when walking to and from the car or if they need to use stairs
  • If the patient needs to use the bathroom, do not allow them to lock the door. Check on them if they take a long period of time to ensure that they have not had a fall or drifted off to sleep
  • Bathing and showering is permitted only under direct supervision of the carer
  • No smoking for 24 hours
  • The patient must not do anything which ordinarily requires complete alertness, coordination or which may compromise themselves or anyone else

NB: A carer is a responsible adult over the age of 18 years.